Commission Samples
Bad Moons Ork Boy
Painted to our Tabletop level this Ork Boy is an example of the work we can complete for you.
Painted to our Tabletop level this Ork Boy is an example of the work we can complete for you.
Mephiston, The Lord of Death
As an important character this Mephiston Conversion was painted to our Character+ level to make it stand out on the battlefield.
As an important character this Mephiston Conversion was painted to our Character+ level to make it stand out on the battlefield.
Here are some links that we feel are worthwhile to any wargamer, particularly if you play 40k.
News and Forums
- DakkaDakka Forums
Our personal favourite forum for everything 40k and beyond. We can often be
found browsing the painting and modelling section looking for inspiration and
tips. - Warseer Forums
Another good forum for everything 40k based. The painting and modelling section
here is similarly filled with inspiring articles. - Frontline Gaming
A great site for up to date news and rumours about everything wargaming related.
They also provide some excellent articles on tournament play and army tactics. - The WAAAGH
An Ork themed website and forum. If you're looking to build something Orky,
there are some great conversion tutorials in here.
Where to Buy From
- Element Games
Providing big discounts on Games Workshop and hundreds of other products
Element Games is where you should make all your hobby purchases. - KR Multicase
KR use soft foam to prevent damage to your figures and to stop the paint getting
scuffed or chipped, soft foam for figures and hard cases for soft foam! - Dragon Forge Designs
Run by Jeff Wilhelm, Dragon Forge Designs provide a selection of excellent
resin bases and conversion parts that no army should be without.